Shweta Sharma (she/her/her)

Shweta Sharma

Director of Quality Engineering Services @ Axelerant Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Shweta is a QA professional with over fifteen years of work experience in agile environments. At Axelerant, she leads the entire QA team and her work responsibilities involve setting up testing practices and rolling out quality as a whole team responsibility. She also plays a vital role in architecting Test Automation on various projects at Axelerant. She believes in uplifting her colleagues and acts as a QA mentor to many. She has presented several sessions within the Drupal and Testing communities. She has also been the track chair for QA Automation, CI/CD track for DrupalCon Minneapolis 2020, DrupalCamp Goa and DrupalCamp Delhi 2019 along with being a committee member of the Training proposals at DrupalCon Minneapolis 2020. Off work, she loves going on long road trips with her family through scenic locations, sharing the beauty of the natural world with her children - in short, she is a freak globe trotter. She is also an extremely passionate dancer and is currently trained in an Indian Classical dance form Kathak since January 2018. She believes in empowering the underrepresented/unprivileged people from society and contributes to their growth in her own small way.

2024 Sessions Hosted by Shweta Sharma