The Agile Software testing community is full of love, knowledge and caring.
Everyone has something valuable to share, and we want the AgileTD community to prosper and grow through each other's help.
Nowadays, software testers and agile practitioners are coming from a great variety of backgrounds.
Individual experiences are different, which means that everyone will have distinct points of view and learning processes that prove useful.
The wide range of ideas, knowledge, background, project experience, and above all respect, are a never-ending resource of information and learning. That is why we created the "List Of Blogs Every Agile Software Tester Should Read"
This is a list of people in our community that have a blog and write about agile software testing on a monthly basis.
Please keep in mind that the order does not apply to priority. Each person’s blog is as valuable and important as the other.
Seaside Testing - Stephan Kämper
Blog: https://seasidetesting.com/2020/02/
A Tester’s Journey - Elisabeth Hocke
Elisabeth Hocke, MIATPP Award winner in 2019, is sharing many experiences and ideas! In her blog, she writes about her thoughts and stories on learning, agile, and testing. Lisi is passionate about the whole-team approach to testing and quality as well as the continuous learning mindset behind it.
Blog: https://www.lisihocke.com/
Blethering About Testing - Dan Ashby
Dan is not only the Head of Quality Engineering at PhotoBox but also a software testing enthusiast with a modern view of software testing. In his blog, you will find articles about his experience influencing and helping people overcome misunderstandings that they might have about software testing, automation, agile, BDD, and a range of processes and mindsets.
Blog: https://danashby.co.uk/
Angie Jones
The queen of Automation has her own blog too and you should check it out now! Angie Jones is a Senior Developer Advocate who specializes in test automation strategies and techniques. Her blog is full of colors, fun, and packed with incredible wisdom and experiences she has collected throughout her career.
Blog: https://angiejones.tech/
Testing Scoops - Shane Carroll
Shane is a Software Tester, who lives in Ireland, and loves sharing his wisdom through his blog. His blog posts have a wide range of topics such as API Testing, Observability, Test Automation and more.
Blog: https://shanecarroll.com
Coding Is Like Cooking - Emily Bache
Emily is a technical agile coach from Sweden who will provide you with more insights about BDD, microservices, Coding Dojo, TDD, DevOps, and much more. Her way of sharing her knowledge is worth reading. Go check out her blog!
Blog: http://coding-is-like-cooking.info/
Viv Richard
Viv Richard is the Lead QA Consultant at Notbinary and an amazing writer! His blog posts are all about accessibility, agile testing, test automation, and more.
Blog: https://vivrichards.co.uk/
Test Obsessed - Elisabeth Hendrickson
The one and only Elisabeth Hendrickson has a blog you should read right now! Elisabeth shares her thoughts on software development, leadership, team motivation and more. Why test obsessed? Because evidence wins over speculation, every. single. time.
Blog: https://www.curiousduck.io
Magnifiant: Exploring Software Testing - Huib Schoots
Get into the mind of Huib Schoots, AgileTD MIATPP Award Winner 2017, and expand your agile software testing knowledge. Huib is a proud software tester and coach that is happy to help other people.
Blog: http://www.huibschoots.nl/wordpress/
Maverick Tester - Anne-Marie Charrett
Anne-Marie Charrett, founder of Testing Times, shares her knowledge about Quality Engineering, Test Management, Women in Tech, and much more in her blog called Maverick Tester.
Cultivated Management - Rob Lambert
The talented Rob Lambert helps organizations release agility through his blog posts. Learn more about productivity and effectiveness with his blog Cultivated Management.
Blog: https://cultivatedmanagement.com/blog/
Agile Testing - Janet Gregory & Lisa Crispin
Yes! The legends Janet and Lisa have a blog that is packed with their wisdom and experiences they collected throughout the years. They also give hints to future prospects of Agile Testing.
Blog Post: https://agiletester.ca/blog/
Lisa Blog: https://lisacrispin.com/
Janet Blog: https://janetgregory.ca/blog/
Adventures in Automation - T.J. Maher
The incredible T.J. Maher has a lot of expertise to share, and we are glad he has a blog!
T.J. is a software quality assurance engineer that shares stories for Software QA Engineers shifting from manual to automated testing.
Blog: http://www.tjmaher.com/
Louise Gibbs
Louise Gibbs is a Senior QA Analyst that enjoys talking about software testing.
In her blog, you will find articles about automated testing, python, and her experiences from conferences as well as meetups.
Blog: https://louisegibbstest.wordpress.com/
Uncovered Thoughts - Sergio Freire
Meet the exceptional Sergio, a solution architect and testing advocate from Portugal. Sergio loves to share his agile software testing wisdom on his blog.
Blog: https://www.sergiofreire.com/
Work2Code - Santhosh Tuppad
If you like crazy ideas, good vibes, and good wisdom then you have to check out Santhosh Tuppad’s blog.
Santhosh is a brilliant security expert that writes articles about exploratory testing, JavaScript, Python, and more.
Blog: https://work2code.com/blog/
A Seasoned Tester’s Crystal Ball - Maaret Pyhäjärvi
This blog is all about thinking of things past, present and future in testing. As much as Maaret likes to see clearly, her crystal ball is quite dim, therefore learning is essential and the right tool for that.
In Maaret's blog, one can find posts about exploratory testing, test automation, mobbing, pairing programming, and much more.
Blog: https://visible-quality.blogspot.com/
Raj Subrameyer
The brilliant Raj shares resources and updates to get inspired and lead a better life.
The content of his blog deals with artificial intelligence, exploratory testing, personal growth, and more.
Blog: http://www.rajsubra.com/blog/
Unremarkable Tester - Areti Panou
Discover the thoughts of an unremarkable software tester!
Areti challenges her audience with more questions than answers.
In her blog, you will find content about software testing, quality, beta testing, software development, and more.
Blog: https://unremarkabletester.com/
Rhythm Of Testing - Peter Walen
Dive into the world of testing with Pete!
Pete has many years of experience and his observations, comments and thoughts on Quality, Software Testing, Agile, and Scrum can be found on his Rhythm of Testing blog.
Blog: https://rhythmoftesting.blogspot.com/
Beaglesays: A Nose For Testing - Paul Seaman
Have a browse at the articles from Paul!
The name of his blog is inspired by his beagles and their personality.
Paul has been a professional tester since 2019 and ever since he has been strongly influenced by Content Driven Testing principles and practices.
Blog: https://beaglesays.blog/
Derk-Jan de Grood
The wisdom of Derk-Jan is enormous and you should read his articles.
He writes about his thoughts, experience, and knowledge about test management, test automation, and much more.
Blog: https://djdegrood.wordpress.com/
I’m a Little Tester - Corina Pip
If you love comics, then this is the right blog for you!
Corina Pip expresses her thoughts, experiences about testing, Java, Selenium, TestNg, Maven, and more through her comics.
Blog: https://imalittletester.com/
The Test Doctor - Dan Billing
Dan is a software testing, quality and security professional from the UK that loves to share his insights in his blog.
Have a look at Dan's Blog post about software testing, leadership, and personal thoughts.
Blog: https://thetestdoctor.co.uk
Think Like A Tester - Kristin Jackvony
Kristin discovered her passion for software testing after working as a music educator for nearly two decades, and we are so thankful she is a tester now!
You can find blog posts not only about API Testing, UI Automation, Cypress, but also reviews of industry-related books.
Blog: http://thethinkingtester.blogspot.com/
MindfulQA - Wes Silverstein
Are you as passionate about software testing and QA as Wes?
The posts that Wes Silverstein shares are all about QA.
Find out more about the different phases of QA testing, 5 test cases to automate, and how to deal with negative perceptions of QA at MindfulQA blog.
Blog: https://www.mindfulqa.com/blog
Test Lynx - Noemi Ferrara
Noemi is a computer scientist with more than 10 years of working experience in development and testing positions. In her blog you will find content about API Testing, Test Automation, Testing on VR World and more.
Blog: https://noemiferrera.com
Tooth of the Weasel - Alan Page
Alan has been improving software quality since 1993! He writes about notes and rants about software and software quality. Go check out his blog now!
Blog: https://angryweasel.com/blog/
Other great community blogs you should know about, although being inactive for a while or having a lower output frequency.
Hey authors, if you read this, maybe being on this list motivates you to write again. We and the community would love to see new posts from you! Spread your knowledge!
- Mike Talks
Blog: https://medium.com/@MikeTalks
- Gil Zilberfeld
Blog: http://www.gilzilberfeld.com/blog-2
- All Things Testing - Toyer Mamoojee
Blog: https://toyerm.wordpress.com
- Optimizing For Happiness - Emanuil Slavov
Blog: https://emanuilslavov.com/
- Testing Pejgan - LenaPejgan
Blog: https://testing.pejgan.se/
These are just a few mentions of the many incredible agile software testers that have a blog and share their knowledge.
If you know more blogs related to agile software testing, please write us an email or tweet, and we will add it to the second list.
Author Isabel Maldonado
Born in Latin America, Isabel Maldonado brings the fire of the Caribbean to the AgileTD team.
She is fearless when it comes to new topic…