AgileTD 2020 Hybrid Edition

May 27, 2020
AgileTD 2020 Hybrid Edition

Like all the conference organizers, we are struggling with the current situation. Some have canceled conferences, some postponed them, like we did with AgileTD USA, some run them as virtual events. We all decide based on our environment, the country we live in, the community, the business and last but not least based on the circumstances around us. 

For many of us who are independent companies it is very difficult to make decisions in times like this and to be sure that it is the right decision, you certainly need guts for it, either way. 

Our team has been working hard and will continue to do so to make AgileTD 2020 happen - as safe and genuine as possible. As usual we will follow the wake of the unicorn.

We are lucky that the situation in Germany is getting better and that there is a “plan” or in other words, a positive perspective how the situation may be if the COVID-19 infection curve continues in the right direction.

Based on all the information given, after speaking with the hotel and authorities and after few chats with our friends and supporters we have decided to run a hybrid conference.


What is that and why do we do that?

We’d love to have the old AgileTD, but it seems that this is not going to happen in 2020.

Like always, we received many papers from people around the world. We set up the program and we don’t want to change it. We do not care if a speaker is coming from Congo, USA, Pakistan or from Germany. If you get selected you should speak. If you cannot or don’t want to travel, do it live online. Yes, live! We want you to perceive the warmth and love of the community.

If you want to attend the conference and you feel comfortable with it, you can do it too. We have 150 places. Yes, only 150 places! 50 are already taken, so there are around 100 left!

We are going to be together, but apart. You will need to respect the distance of 1.5 meters between you and the next person. There are some protocols to follow regarding safety, health, and of course the food, the coffee, the bars and not to forget the party. Yes, we will have a party too, fulfilling an explicit protocol for it.

If you cannot be in Potsdam you can attend the conference online - the 4 days for just EUR 180 + VAT (if applicable). You will have access to all the recorded talks all the time and will be able to see it later too. In case you cannot pay that money, please contact us, we will find a solution for your special case.

But it would not be an authentic AgileTD feeling if we streamed the talks only. We want to bring you the real AgileTD spirit and give all of you the opportunity to be part of the community and spend time together during this week. We will be offering hybrid rooms where people in Potsdam and people around the world can meet and chat or drink a coffee or beer together. Next to the technical talks, we will have lean coffee, open spaces, a cafeteria, a bar, another bar and yes another bar. A zone where you can speak to a trusted person and much more. A whole experience. Not just a technical talk, this wouldn’t be AgileTD.

In Potsdam itself we will have an all-inclusive hotel experience. You can stay in the hotel all the time, if you wish to do so. We will have bonfires at night, our own beer brew, awesome food and a story to tell to the next years’ attendees. We will also stream the talks to your room, so you can follow it from your jacuzzi, if this makes you feel better. You will also have access to all the recorded talks.

We will all be there, we will fulfill all the requirements by the government and local authorities and will have as much fun as we can without jeopardizing anyone of us.


This is our plan and we truly hope that we can make it happen. Feel free to decide what is the best option for you.

See you @AgileTD Hybrid Edition.

Profile Picture of José Díaz

Author José Díaz

José Díaz is the chief strategic thinker at trendig technology services GmbH. José is a spanish native and studied …

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