Our code, test coverage, tickets etc. can be mined to help us find more bugs faster. The analyses for this are called test intelligence. The best ones don't use AI, but some with AI are easier to use
Room F3 - Track 3: Talks
Tester, Test Manager, Manager, Developers.
We have to test more and more functionality in less and less time, as successful software grows from release to release, but release cycles are getting shorter and shorter. Historically grown test suites are often not up to this challenge, since they test too much and too little at the same time. Too much, since they contain redundant tests that cause execution and maintenance costs but provide little value over similar tests. Too little, since important functionality remains untested. We must make these test suites more effective (i.e. find more bugs) and more efficient (i.e. faster/cheaper) to succeed in the long run.
Our research community has worked on approaches to increase test effectiveness and efficiency for decades. In recent years, AI based approaches have appeared that also promise to help us find more bugs faster.
In this talk, I present several approaches (e.g. historic bug analysis, test-gap-analysis, predictive test selection, test impact analysis and defect prediction) to find more bugs in less time. We have implemented each of these approaches, have done empirical research on how well they work and employed them with customers and in own development. For each approach, I show how well it works so that you can decide, whether it helps you to find more bugs in less time.
25-minute Talk
25-minute Talk
Full-Day Tutorial (6 hours)
25-minute Talk