Mission Possible: Leading as an Individual Contributor

25-minute Talk

Get inspired to cultivate leadership skills in yourself and in your team, not because you manage them, but because it's the best way to move forward!

Virtual Pass session


2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Thursday 21st


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks


Individual contributors are highly encouraged to come, as well as people who manage them


  • Leadership is an action, not a title.
  • Teams of leaders build better products together.
  • Everyone has leadership skills they can utilize, no matter what their title is.

What happens if you want to create change but don't have a job title to back you up? Leadership happens everywhere and is not dependent on your title, and it can look like a lot of different things.

Leadership doesn't mean dictating what people do or getting your way all the time. It does mean energizing people, improving processes, and focusing on the big picture. Have you felt overwhelmed by leadership as one monolithic skill? It isn't! It is made up of many different things, from delivering results to being a thought leader to developing people. We'll explore what people who lead do that you can do too.

No one person is good at "all the leadership skills" either. We have to play to our strengths and build teams around us of people with other strengths. When everyone leads, we have better-functioning teams and build better software. A team should be built of leaders innovating, getting things done, creating and sharing vision, and changing the world (or at least their team).

Come get inspired, and get ideas of ways to start leading on your team. Everyone can lead. Everyone should lead.

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