More than emojis & umlauts: How UTF-8 Strings can confuse applications – and humans. Processing Unicode strings correctly is essential for applications.
Room D1+D2 - Track 7: Workshops
Everyone who'd like to learn about Unicode, especially if you have a diacritic in your name. 🦄
A notebook or tablet, ideally with some Unicode-ready Programming language installed
❧❦☙ Annoying customers by not accepting their input is expensive.
Imagine Jørn, the tester: He found a new tool to make his work much more straightforward and wanted to buy it.
However, when trying to enter his delivery and payment details, the website wouldn’t accept his entries. Instead, it displayed error messages:
* One field claimed: “Your name is invalid.”
* Another one said: “E-Mail too long.”
* The third one plainly complained: “Invalid input.”
Jørn may decide to buy from another website or use a different product. While claiming that a potential buyer’s name is invalid is rude and may cause you not to get the sale. Chances are high that Jørn takes his business to a place that can properly handle his name.
This workshop covers essential aspects of testing applications with processing Unicode in mind. After a definition and overview of Unicode, we will look deeper into UTF-8, the most used Unicode encoding. You can try out the concepts or ideas presented just before in exercises.
Among other topics, the activities will cover the following:
* different kinds of spaces
* ‘soft hyphens’ and other usually invisible characters
* a good number of ‘special characters.’ ❧❦☙
Full-Day Tutorial (6 hours)
25-minute Talk
120-minute Workshop
120-minute Workshop