Find the tester in your team

105-minute Workshop

Testing skills are all around us, and a better understanding who brings which skill to the team, makes the collaboration great!


10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Friday 22nd


Room D1+D2 - Track 7: Workshops


Agile team members, Testers, QA engineers


  • There is a tester or test skill in nearly everyone, we just need to know what to look for
  • If everybody has a testing skill, we can spread the workload more evenly in teams
  • Testers do way more than just 'test' in any team. There is a myriad of skills we bring to the table.

One QA brick at a time

Everyone has a tester inside of them, so let's find it using Lego Serious Play!

Unlock the potential of your team through an engaging and innovative workshop! In this hands-on session, participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery, using Lego bricks as a unique medium to visually represent and explore their individual skill sets. Led by experienced facilitators, the workshop aims to foster a dynamic environment where team members can articulate, share, and gain insights into their strengths and capabilities.

Through a series of carefully designed exercises, participants will build tangible representations of their skills, promoting a deeper understanding of their roles and their part in adding quality to the software delivery process. The Lego bricks serve as a tool for breaking down role barriers, encouraging cross-functionality, and fostering a collaborative spirit within the team.

Join us for an interactive experience that goes beyond traditional skill assessments. Let's build a colorful quality-skill matrix, one Lego brick at a time!

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