Refining your Test Automation approach in modern contexts

25-minute Talk

A 360 view on Test automation opportunities and challenges as part of software evolution

Virtual Pass session


11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Tuesday 14th


Room F3 - Track 3: Talks


QAs, Tech Leads, Test Managers, Tech Managers, QAArchitects, Developers, Product Owners


  • A broad overview on some general challenges in the modern test automation space
  • How to refine your test automation approach as your systems evolve
  • How your test automation approach allows you to influence the system architecture
  • Touch on the various factors that play a key part in a successful test automation approach (like people, levels of testing, performance tests)

You might have heard the following phrase when approaching some of your tasks- “Stick to the old tried and tested”, but is this always true for your test automation approach in modern contexts?

Over the past few years we have been constantly bombarded with new software terms, frameworks, architecture and tools along with some quite chaotic progression happening on the test automation side regarding a huge amount of new toolset choices. Despite this my observation is that approaches to test automation have still somewhat stuck to previous tried and tested methods. As we shift to a new age there is a great amount of juggling that needs to be co-ordinated in order to strike a balance and get the right mix regarding how your test automation is tackled.

In this talk I tackle some very relevant aspects around test automation aspects that would also help you to get a holistic view on points to consider when driving test automation solutions and even influencing how your software is built and run. Some of the points I look to address in my talk includes:

-a potential switch to lower level automation and what that looks like.

-how the mindset needs to shift when dealing with performance and security testing considerations.

-skillset evolutions It’s never always a bed of roses though and it’s always good to also factor possible challenges around modern approaches and how you can put in place workarounds to ensure that you also tackle these potential blindspots.

I also touch on some of the challenges which range from dependency/ownership pitfalls to visibility and transparency issues which all add to the mix in trying to strike the perfect balance for your given context.

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