Thursday Open Space

Bonus Session

Learn in a space designed for the good conversations


2:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Thursday 16th


Creative Space Room - Track 9: Bonus Sessions




  • Whatever you need to learn
  • Let yourself be surprised
  • Gain insights

You come to conferences to learn, to share and to grow. Attending talks isn't the only way of doing that! Whether you're a newbie, a conference guru or somewhere in between, open space offers you a co-created and self-organised learning space where you can bring your questions or problems - and leave with insights, answers, connections and inspiration.

The open space sessions at Agile Testing Days are a fantastic place to learn from the other speakers and participants in small groups, focused on the topics that are brought to the table. It's a way of capturing the valuable "hallway conversations" that happen at conferences. Join us to experience the magic of open space!

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F-,E- & D-Rooms

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