Harness the Power of Debugging!

25-minute Talk

Debugging is a superpower which will elevate anyone in tech to the next level and for a tester the benefits increase multifold

Virtual Pass session


8:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Tuesday 14th


Track 2


Tester, Developers, Anyone interested in debugging/problem solving


  • This session will warm people to the idea of usual software debugging if they are new to it
  • Give them some useful resources on how to get started and employ it in their daily work
  • The shared techniques can be practised alone or with their team even on a remote set up
  • Next would be to encourage people to try the same debugging techniques with a small twist on other problem areas outside of the codebase
  • Finally some tips to identify patterns and not to overdo it

This talk is a reflection on how debugging has changed my life and empowered me to navigate the various challenges in my career. I started debugging as part of analysing bugs, then used it to understand and read code. Later got involved in writing automated checks which in turn gave me the tools to expand my testing and look at software implementations with a different perspective.

Following the positive results, I have tried to employ the same routine on other problem areas like debugging a process/initiative to identify gaps and understand the scope. The whole journey takes a different turn when done alone, when done with someone or a group, when different tools and techniques are used. It is interesting to see how the different phases of debugging change with respect to the context too.

In the talk, I would like to share my debugging routine for technical and people problems and go over the similarities and differences. I feel like critical thinking and curiosity can accelerate the journey and reduce the iterations needed to find the solution or reach the destination. T

here is also a caveat of overdoing it and stepping into the overthinking mode which becomes a vicious circle from which one can't escape. So, some tips from my end to identify patterns and proceed with caution while debugging.

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