Ensemble Testing

105-minute Workshop

Come join us as we test together! We’ll be practicing our testing skills in an ensemble (mob) format, rotating through drivers, navigators, and ensemble members every few minutes.


10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Thursday 16th


Room D1+D2 - Track 6: Workshops


anyone ready to learn or contribute


  • Communicate at the highest level of abstraction (intent > what to do > how to do it)
  • Ideas have to be put into words before they are put into the computer
  • Kindness, consideration, and respect
  • Practicing working in ensemble will take your collaboration skills to the next level

Are you curious to try out ensemble (or mob) programming or testing? Are you thinking of facilitating an ensemble at your office, but would like to practice a bit first? Have you been working in an ensemble for a while and want to try it with other experienced people? Or do you just want to see an ensemble in action?

Then join our ensemble session! We have three experienced facilitators ready to help you “turn up the good” on your technical and communication skills! We’ll be facilitating two ensembles: one performing exploratory testing, one writing automated tests. We’ll start with a short introduction for everyone on the core concepts of ensembling. We’ll spend the bulk of the workshop in two ensembles. We’ll rotate roles every few minutes so anyone interested can try their hand at being the driver and the navigator.

Participants are also encouraged to observe, research, or brainstorm as part of the ensemble. We’ll close the session with a short debrief and reflection between the two groups.

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