Collect your explorer badge

120-minute Workshop

Learn a simple approach to exploratory testing that helps you and your teammates become explorers


2:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Tuesday 14th


Room D1+D2 - Track 6: Workshops


Testers, Developers, anybody who wants to get creative with exploratory testing




  • Learn how to use high concept ideas to pitch your exploratory testing sessions
  • Gain hands-on experience with exploratory testing and practice your skills
  • Kick-start your exploration with a ready-made set of exploratory testing ideas
  • Get inspired to introduce exploratory testing to your colleagues in an accessible way

Do you know what money-making blockbuster books and movies—like Harry Potter, The Girl on the Train, and The Martian—all have in common? They are all built around a "high concept" idea. It is an idea that can be pitched in one sentence, immediately grabs your attention, and conveys why it is interesting. Similarly, an exploration idea, if pitched in one sentence, can immediately explain the motivation and goal behind your testing. You will know what you are doing! You can easily explain the purpose of your testing session to others. Even better, you can use this approach to help your teammates become explorers as well.

Do you struggle to come up with good ideas for exploratory testing sessions? Or do you find it difficult to explain what you are exploring and why you are investing your energy in it? If this is the case, then this workshop is for you. We will show you a simple approach to help you design exploration ideas and pitch them to your team! Join us for an interactive, hands-on session to explore this new territory using high concept ideas.

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