BDD Scenarios in a Testing Strategy

25-minute Talk

You can multiply the value of BDD scenarios if you integrate them better into your testing strategy

Virtual Pass session


4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Thursday 16th


Room F3 - Track 3: Talks


Testers, Test Managers, Developers


  • BDD scenarios are great, but they are not enough alone to reach the quality expectations
  • To define the good balance of the different testing types, the team should focus on the quality goals and not to the test types. Test types are tools
  • The impact of the testing strategy is measurable and more vivid than you would think

A Case Study about the testing strategy used for developing a product

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is becoming more and more popular nowadays. BDD, if done well, improves team collaboration and helps to get a better understanding of the requirements. The produced BDD scenarios can drive the development, but later they are going to serve as regression tests. However, BDD scenarios alone would not be enough to meet quality expectations, so the question remains: what is the role and purpose of these BDD-routed regression tests? How do they work together (or against) other test types? There are no ready-to-use answers and recipes for these questions, although many teams try to read out answers from models like the test automation pyramid.

This talk is no different. Don’t expect canned answers from it. Instead, it shows how the testing and quality considerations have been made in the case of a real product by focusing on the following questions:

• What kind of tests are needed? How to decide what is the right way to specify and test a concrete function?

• What kind of feedback can we get from the different tests and how? Do they form a test automation pyramid?

• How are the requirements expressed in BDD scenarios and how are they connected to the other development artifacts?

• How can the impact of the test automation decisions be measured in reaction time, build quality or support tickets?

The talk discusses test automation and test architecture questions, but it is platform agnostic and can be followed by attendees without coding skills as well.

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