Have you ever considered that playing the hero can harm both you and your team?
Room F2 - Track 2: Talks
Testers, Leaders, Managers, Anyone who works in teams
Everyone likes to feel like the hero. Nothing feels better than charging in on your horse and rescuing the town’s folk from danger! But have you ever considered that playing the hero can harm both you and your team? Agile requires us to eliminate silos, share information, and share the load. As an individual you can’t keep the town safe by yourself, the bigger the team, the more people need to be able to be self-sufficient. We need to reframe our mindsets from lone cowboy saving the day, to an agile posse protecting the town from outlaw bugs. And while being the hero can feel good in short doses, saving the day can become exhausting for you and disempower your team.
25-minute Talk
25-minute Talk
45-minute Keynote