Team based performance engineering

Full-Day Tutorial (6 hours)

Performance engineering is a discipline of its own. All roles can use the principles and tooling to contribute to the effort.


9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday 21st


F-,E- & D-Rooms


Testers, Developers, Operations Engineers


Laptop with Python installed


  • What each role on a development team can contribute to performance engineering efforts
  • How to create early momentum with simple load generation tools. Using Artillery to test individual services or components
  • Instrumenting systems to emit information to Prometheus for performance information. The using that to build a model of our wider system
  • Create a set of scenarios in Locust using Python which cover the key customer journeys
  • Use your deployment pipeline to gather performance information over time

Get your team started with performance engineering for better operability and delivery

Performance testing is often part of a specialists remit and more often than not left to the end. Usually until there is no time to fix anything and we have to live with the consequences in Production. There is another more sustainable way.

Create a team focus on performance engineering, so every role on the team can get involved. Building in a focus on performance from the beginning is a tough but rewarding journey. To be successful you need to use the right tools and work together as a team. Engage your stakeholders about what performance engineering means for them.

During this tutorial we will cover the key principles of performance engineering:

  • Designing for performance, involving the team and their business, product and architecture stakeholders.
  • Adding metrics and telemetry to model the performance of your Production environment.
  • Enabling your performance engineering effort early with small effort activities for big impacts.
  • Making your tests and environments stable and repeatable to enable continuous performance feedback.

To do this we will use both collaborative sessions and hands on tooling to explore the following:

  • Examine the contribution to performance engineering by role to get your team involved.
  • Use tooling such as Artillery and Locust to build early, simple load tests that can get the team started.
  • Add instrumentation to your application to gather performance metrics from Production.
  • Translating metrics from Production into tests you can run in your deployment pipeline.

Performance engineering has the power to bring your team and their stakeholders together. This leads to better operability and safe and stable delivery of value. Join me to learn how to bring it all together.

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Room D5+D6 - Track 6: Accessibility Deep Dive

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