Scaling Quality: It's more than numbers

25-minute Talk

How to scale for growth

Virtual Pass session


4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Wednesday 23rd


Room F1 - Track 1: Talks


test lead, test manager, quality coach, director of quality


  • Quality changes over time, are you still thinking like a start up?

Imagine two companies both in that crazy growth phase. Both with an increasing customer base, both are hiring as many engineers as possible, and both are expanding their product roadmap. You would think the approach to scaling quality would be pretty similar right? After all, isn't all you need to scale is add some performance testing? Interestingly, the path to quality for two different growth companies facing similar challenges can be very different. This talk explores the concept of having a strategy for quality and, using case studies, explores some of the elements that influence and constrain a quality strategy that goes beyond the typical growth or scaling challenge of increased consumers. You will see how many factors impact our ability to deliver quality at a scale that goes way beyond the product. Finally, I will share some thoughts on quality and how to adopt an emergent mindset with dealing with quality at scale.

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