Leading by example
F-,E- & D-Rooms
Testers, QAs, Tech Leads, Test Managers, Tech Managers, Scrum Masters, Developers, Product Owners
Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop
[Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop as there will be some collaboration using online tools during the tutorial which will make the tutorial even more interactive]
Leadership can be a lonely place - but it doesn’t have to be! Are you prepared to take the plunge of the leadership adventure? Whether you have the official position or not, people reporting to you or not - we all can take the lead. But how to tackle this challenge? What can we do to drive change? How to lead effectively? For a long time, quality has been a neglected area in the tech world.
Bringing together quality and leadership can feel even more complex than in other disciplines. So what are the key ingredients in inspiring others to work together towards a better outcome? In this tutorial we will unpack many different facets of quality leadership we’ve experienced ourselves.
We will share strategies for different contexts, what helped and what to look out for. Striking the right balance between compassion and authority, knowing when to step forward and when to step back, sharing your power and shaping the system - all of these are key to create an environment where people can thrive, grow, and drive quality together. Join this tutorial to learn about quality leadership in an interactive way.
You will have plenty of opportunities to tackle common challenges, try out strategies, practice with each other to evaluate your understanding and reflect on your experiences plus learn from others' experience. Let’s lead quality together!
Full-Day Tutorial (6 hours)
25-minute Talk
25-minute New Voice Talk