How to tell it to the Tester...

30-minute New Voice Talk

Presentation of the result of many interviews with developers and tester to reach a better understanding between both.

Virtual Pass session


1:45 p.m. – 2:25 p.m. Thursday 12th


Testers, Developers, Scrum Master, Manager


  • Mindset of developers
  • Avoid a blaming culture
  • Communication

Desires from Developer to Tester in a perfect world

In many projects the developers and the testers are still separated from each other. The downside of this approach is that the communication is not optimal and there are prejudices between both groups. This espacially true in companies with a blaming culture, where the focus is not on solutions but on guilty.

In this talk I will present the result of various interviews with members of both groups from the view of a developers. It is the attempt to break down the walls between both groups and build a bridge between them. And perhaps it is possible to create the base for a better team culture at the participants who have a similar problem and plants the seed to a company culture change.

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