Generating useful date and time values for your tests

30-minute Talk

Many automated tests require setting a date or datetime, and these can be quite tricky to generate.Let me show you some examples of how to easily create them.

Virtual Pass session


4:40 p.m. – 5:20 p.m. Tuesday 10th


Automation engineers


  • Generating dates in the future or in the past, grabbing specific dates based on some criteria, creating dates in specific formats, etc
  • Using Java's date focused classes

Working with dates and times in automated tests can be very difficult. You need to generate dates in different formats, or from different timezones. You need to generate yesterday’s date, or the date of the last day of the current month. How about the date of the previous Monday counting from the current date?

In case any of these are something you too need in your tests, this workshop will help you figure out how to generate these cumbersome date and time values. Staring: Java, LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime and SimpleDateFormat.

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