Everyone has heard the common phrases handed down to testers - "how did we miss this in testing", "we are late with dev can you cut testing time?", etc. This talk helps a tester prepare and respond
All testers - especially those that have heard the age-old phrases
How many times have you heard statements like, “How did we miss this in test”, “This defect doesn’t happen on my machine”, “We do not need automation”, or “We are waiting on testing to give us the green light”?
Many years ago, Stephen Covey made the statement “Nothing Fails Like Success”. He spoke on how that the things we do to be successful today may not be enough for success tomorrow. This powerful statement can be directly applied to how that the changing landscape of IT is affecting the roles of our project teams. Processes, tools, and approaches that were once successful years ago may not be enough today, tomorrow, and beyond.
This concept relates heavily with the role of test teams today. Discussions we used to have years ago are no longer as relevant now. Waterfall teams have migrated to Agile & DevOps, and there is a need for strategic changes in how we operate within a project and how we communicate across teams.
In this presentation, we will discuss many of the well-known phrases, philosophies, and theories around testing of years past, and how that we must overcome the obstacles and be successful today. We will discuss how the dynamics within the teams must change, and most importantly, how you, as a tester, can influence across the organization.
30-minute Talk