Test automation does meet a variety of challenges, but the feedback of real users is key to success and the human factor must be considered when developing digital products.
Product Owner, Product Manager, Product Success Manager, Manager, Head of Development
Is the customer dissatisfied with the quality of the product? Is the support hotline backed up because the application has too many bugs? Test automation does meet a variety of challenges, but one belief is a myth – that the quality of software can be ensured by test automation alone. Nowadays, the feedback of real users should also be taken into account and the human factor must be considered when developing digital products. Georg Hansbauer, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Testbirds, shows how crowdtesting can make customers and fans a part of the digital product development process. Thereby, Georg combines theoretical basics with operational experience, using the example of a Deutsche Telekom case study.
30-minute Talk
30-minute Talk