The industry needs testers, but doesn’t understand how to help career growth. This should lay a foundation or a framework for testers growth and a general path for a career in testing.
Room F2 - Track 2: Talks
Anyone looking for ways to develop their own career path or those in roles hoping to help folks.
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Based on my blog post, “Ready Tester One? Go!” I take a look at my own career development and the need to understand a probable career development path for testers in software development. By using and identifying with gaming techniques such as “leveling”, testers are encouraged to find where they think they are in their career growth and then find out how they should continue along the “tester” path and what that might look like as you gain levels. Includes a nifty character sheet people can use to chart their own learning path!
30-minute Talk
30-minute Talk
Full-Day Tutorial (6 hours)