How to lead in an agile setting and how to lead towards one
Managers, team leads, Scrum Masters, anyone (else) aspiring to lead regardless of position
Does it seem like them agilists expect you to miraculously jump with your down to earth organisation straight into Unicorn land? Are you looking for methods and mindset for agile leadership less ‘bet the firm’ and far more adaptable to your organisation so you can take more realistic steps? You’ve probably heard leading in or into an agile setting is different from traditional leadership, or management as we tend to call that. In this workshop we’ll explore how it’s different and how we can use that to our advantage. There’s no need to fight them agilists over tools they want to take from the manager’s toolbox, nor to be left empty handed. Let’s learn great ones to replace them with.
By the end of this workshop you will:
•See viable next steps, wherever you and your team / organization / department stand
•Know how to invite people step by step to self-organise towards organisational goals
•Have new tools in your toolbox, not just a request to ditch various old ones
This is an interactive workshop for anyone who has a leading role in an agile setting or aspires to one. Agile Leadership can be very dispersed, so that can basically be anyone: team leads, managers, and department heads, of course, but also team members, product owners, scrum masters, coaches, etc.
30-minute Talk
30-minute Talk
120-minute Workshop
30-minute Talk