Make your test code work for you instead of updating them constantly just to work.
Room D5+D6 - Track 6: Accessibility Deep Dive
Automation engineers, quality engineers
Computer with preferred IDE/editor. Code repo will be provided in C#, Java, and Python.
Doing test automation in an agile team is a daunting task. Generally, the automation tests that you write are manual test cases. Nothing fancy about them. Nothing that improves the quality or lowers the risk of defects within the test suite. They run faster, but that is the only benefit.
Doing that creates a static regression test suite. In this century we should be able to write tests that hit the edge cases without writing them out. Tests written this way provide more value every time they run.
How do you deal with your mobile apps or different screen resolutions? Do you write out tests for these options?
If you do write those cases individually, how much time do you spend doing so?
In this workshop, you will learn a bunch of techniques that enable you to write more efficient code that works across devices, for any screen resolution.
The provided code will have every step provided so there is no need to worry about missing a step.
30-minute Talk
30-minute Talk
30-minute Talk
30-minute Talk